Worrall Travel R's

Worrall Travel R's
Roz and Russ

Worrall Travel R's - Kicking the Bucket List

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day Trip to Uruguay - Country #75 - Day 5

Ferry to Colonia, Uruguay

It was an early morning for us.  Hugo picked us up at 7:00 am and delivered us to the express ferry 

that would take us across the Rio de Plate, a chocolate colored river so wide that neither shore from the middle can be seen.  When discovered in 1680 the Portuguese explorers thought the Rio de Plate was a Sweet Water (fresh, not salt) sea that they had sailed into.  The chocolate water is always brown from the suspended silt.

We arrived in Colonia, a world heritage site founded in 1680,  at 9:00 am and spent the day walking around the cobble stoned streets and enjoyed picturesque views from every vantage point.

 A high school friend had sent us a picture of her husband in Colonia from 4 years ago.

Russ and I thought it would be a challenge to see if we could find the same location.  We got close and took a photo of Russ at every pink building we found, but never found the exact "pink building".  Unfortunately, we working from memory as we did not have Internet access to the original photo.

Russ is getting tired of the game.
 Nevertheless, this special challenge and finding a geocache in our 75th country was a highlight of our day here.  Enjoy the photos.

All is Well with The Worrall Travel Rs in Uruguay.

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