Worrall Travel R's

Worrall Travel R's
Roz and Russ

Worrall Travel R's - Kicking the Bucket List

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Day 6, FFSAC Tour, WTRD 44, October 17, 2017

KyotoDay 6, FFSAC Tour, 

WTRD 44, October 17, 2017

The rain let up by 10:00 am this morning, so while we carried our umbrellas we really did not have to use them much today.  We walked most of the day through gardens and groves.  Every step of the way there was a beautiful photo opportunity.

Tenryuji Temple/Sogenchi Gardens

The World Heritage site and gardens are immediately adjacent to the Tenryuji Temple.  The clouds were lifting from the mountains, the trees and shrubs, glistened from the morning rain, and the fall colors flared amongst the evergreens. 

We did not go into the temple.  Our focus was on the Gawa River, 

gardens, (a tribute to Japanese gardening and pruning)

and statuary.  

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove
From the gardens, we strolled into the Bamboo forest.

Arashiyama Station and Kimono Forest.  
The kimono forest is in the small train station. The grove is comprised of 600 kyoyusen kimono printed silks wrapped around illuminated plastic poles. No two kimono fabrics were the same.

Just down from the Kimono Forest, Russ found a a craft store, and of course we had to buy a few things for our Grands!

Lunch today was buffet style.  The food was excellent and filling.  After a one hour rest, we boarded the bus and were on our way by 1:45.

Nishiki Market
Originally a market of high end foods and ingredients of professional chefs, this market is now more for locals and tourists with dried fish, pickled goods, souvenirs, takeout foods.

Pickled Cucumbers

Slice turnips in lemon juice

Gion - Kyoto Geisha District
The Geisha district in Kyoto is similar in appearance to the one in Kanzawa with the exception of the picturesque stream that winds its way through the streets.

Tourists make their way through the district by walking, rickshaws, 

and fancy cars.

Another difference we noticed here was that this district really harkens to a looser side of Japanese refined culture.  While the Geisha are artistic performers, the party goers have exhibited behaviors of drunkenly urinating on building walls, requiring screening measures to prevent the urine from permeating the wood of the building.  We also noticed a little trash, cigarette butts on the street.  

Geisha Party Houses

Licensing Credentials & Indication of Adult and Adolescent Geisha

We have one day left in Kyoto tomorrow, but we have certainly seen the highlights and have enjoyed our time here.

All is Well with the Worrall Travel R's in Kyoto