Worrall Travel R's

Worrall Travel R's
Roz and Russ

Worrall Travel R's - Kicking the Bucket List

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Days 149-155, Black Forest English Immersion

Today is November 15, Saturday, Day 156, and we are in Ulm, Germany, but more about that tomorrow.

We returned to Munich last night by bus after spending a week in a delightful hotel in the middle of nowhere in the Black Forest. This was the venue for the English Immersion course for 16 German speaking people who wanted to be in an intensive English speaking environment. The students ranged in age from their early twenties to their mid fifties with the hopes of improving their English for business, personal, and educational purposes.

Russ and I volunteered to be part of the Anglo speaking contingent who came from the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, and South Africa. In exchange for our lovely accommodations, full board, and pool, sauna, and hot tub amenities, we (students and Anglos) spent nearly 15 hours a day working with the students. There were fifteen Anglos, so most of the experience was one on one, but some of the sessions were presentations, conference calls, telephones, fun activities, theater, and long walks in the forest while talking, listening, correcting, and laughing with our new German friends. All of the students had to have a basic knowledge of English through their schooling and experience. This course was to help them speak and think in English.

We had a great time, made global friends, and saw tremendous improvement with the students. Yes, we would do it again. If you are interested in a similar experience in Germany or Spain, check out DIVERBO.com

All is Well with the Worrall Travel R's in the Black Forest

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